
Execution is implementing the mining strategy – strengthen robustness and build resilience. Stability + Agility. The classical change management chart below suggests that deep paradigm changes are most difficult. Classical in the sense that people must be managed because they will resist change and behave badly. But we’re not classical; we’re different. 

We are not social scientists. We do not attempt to change human behaviour. We rely on complexity, cognitive, and natural science. Our focus is to shape the system conditions humans face everyday. Conditions include business policies, standards, processes, rules, and so on that impact humans. Reinforcing or relaxing human-imposed constraints will influence relationships and interactions and thus behaviour.

When strengthening Robustness in the Order system, we use ERP big data for our Theory of Constraints analysis and decisions. To build Resilience, we will apply an anthro-complexity approach. Our data are narratives.

There is subtle difference between a story and a narrative. A story is an event that happened. A narrative is the way a story is emotionally told. A story does not change but a narrative can from shuffling the sequence of actions. Example is telling a story backwards. A new order means you have a new narrative of the same story. Narrative turns story into information, or better, into knowledge as perceived by the narrator. Narratives provide the context why a person decided to behave in a particular way. Because stories are emotional experiences they  give us insights into attitudes and mindsets, the core centre of personal change and being unlocked from the shackles of an old paradigm.

Ethnographer Tricia Wang has coined the term “thick data”.

Both Big Data and Thick Data are involved in analyzing patterns. The anthro-complexity approach gathers thick data.


Stratflow’s operating philosophy is to intervene with a very light consultant footprint. An engagement does not require an infestation of consultants for excessive periods of time.  Behind this philosophy is clear recognition that we need to empower the workforce, not render them dependent on us. 

Not lost on us is the disturbing news about employee engagement. According to Gallup, the worldwide percentage of adults who work full time for an employer and are engaged at work (highly involved in and enthusiastic about their work and workplace) is just 15%.

The anthro-complexity approach engages workers in an entirely different manner.  Humans are natural storytellers and more than willing to share their experiences with anyone who will listen. 

SenseMaker™ projects show that workers will actively engage knowing their unfiltered stories collectively produce a navigating map that leadership will access to make informed decisions.